COVID Update

Our updated guidelines for in-person worship services: With the City of Austin officially returning us to stage 5, Southwest Family Fellowship will be returning to our previous mask policy for Sunday services. We ask that everyone – vaccinated or not vaccinated...

COVID Update

With the City of Austin officially returning us to Stage 4 today, Southwest Family Fellowship will be returning to our previous mask policy for Sunday Services. We ask that everyone – vaccinated or not – wear a mask when inside the church building, until...

Midweek Update

With new guidelines from the CDC and local city and county health officials, we at SWFF are revising some of our COVID based policies. Tune in to find out the details, and to hear some encouragement from Pastor Anthony on getting...

SWFF Easter Update

Happy Holy Week! What should you expect for Easter this year at SWFF? Well, like so many things at this stage in the pandemic, it’ll be better than it was, but not quite yet what it’s soon going to be. Pastor Anthony discusses that and our compromise plan...

Midweek Update

There is some positive movement on our commnuity COVID numbers this week. Pastor Anthony talks about that and a reason to go check your email in this week’s installment of the pandemic...