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New here? Here’s what to expect.
I know – it’s not easy visiting a new church for the first time. Sometimes you feel like a nonmember visiting a country club. We want you to feel comfortable and at ease visiting our services. Here are a few things you can expect when visiting SWFF.
Sunday morning services
10:30 am
Church location
8203 West Highway 71
Austin, Texas 78735
What’s going on at SWFF
SWFF Christmas Party – December 15
December 15th we will have our annual...
SWFF Christmas Drive ’24
We are partnering with Travis County...
Baptisms at SWFF – July 2024
We had baptisms on July 14th at SWFF...
kids & familiesAt Southwest Family Fellowship, we love families and kids! Our dynamic kids’ programs provide fun, safe, age-appropriate programs to engage their hearts and minds, make friends, and have fun!